[Getting OT] [Westwales] Re: Over Secure?

John Bailey wwlug at anotherdimension.net
Fri Feb 3 05:05:30 GMT 2006

> I had used NTFS  but thought Linux could read all file systems.  Reinstalling
> in fat32 and removing 'ro' did the trick,  I can now connect to the web in
> Linux and put any downloaded files in a common directory on a Windows
> partition.

Just in case you weren't aware, there are also some utilities that'll read 
EXT partitions from Windows, such as <http://ashedel.chat.ru/ext2fsnt/> 
and <http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/ext2ifs.htm>.  Can't recommend 
any of them as I'm afraid Linux has lost the desktop war here.

> From the silence on this LUG  I must be the only idiot who doesn't know what
> he's doing  :-))

Nah .. it's because the rest of us are battling *BSD ... ;-)

Actually, I picked up a Sharp SL-5500 a few months ago ($135) and that's 
been my latest Linux 'toy' - given such a small size, the QWERTY keyboard 
(ok it's small, but it's still faster than using a stylus [for me, 
anyway]) gives it the edge over most other PDAs for me, and the fact that 
you can run an SSH server on it and stick a wireless card in just getting 
silly =)

On a completely unrelated note, my digicam is on its way out and I'm 
facing that immortal do-I-DSLR-or-do-I-not dilemma.  I know that some 
people swear by SLR and I'm reasonably aware of the advantages.  However, 
it also seems that the whole up-side of SLR can cause a disadvantage when 
compared to point-n-click in some situations.  Surely there's a chance 
you'll miss a shot if you've got the wrong lens on or need to adjust too 
many settings?  What happens if you get dirt into the body when changing a 
lens?  Anyway ... if anyone was going to have an opinion, I guessed it 
would be a bunch of Linux users, so let fly ....



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