[Westwales] Windows 1: Linux 0

Illtud Daniel illtud.daniel at llgc.org.uk
Thu Oct 4 14:47:26 BST 2007

David Goodwin wrote:

> I might be blind, but all I could see was mutt usage.

Yeah, but it's in an 80 col xterm. OK, it *does* wrap for me,
but long lines still mess up formatting, ascii art, and
all the other goodness that dandy gentlemen email correspondents
couldn't live without.

I'll give up now.

Illtud Daniel                                 illtud.daniel at llgc.org.uk
Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau                       Senior Systems Analyst
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru                  National Library of Wales
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW

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