[Westwales] Windows 1: Linux 0

Colin Sauze colinsauze at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 19:09:51 BST 2007

Steve Caddy wrote:
> Robert Savage wrote:
>> "Grub loading.......  Error 18" and it stopped dead. 
> This is usually caused by the boot block being located in a location 
> on the disc that the BIOS is unable to address (because the disc is 
> larger than the BIOS can handle). The work around is to place the boot 
> partition within the first 1000 cylinders of the disc. However, if 
> you're playing with software driven RAID, then you'll have to take 
> this into account too.
Is this really still an issue on modern motherboards/boot loaders? I 
know it was definately an issue a few years ago, but i've definately had 
systems with 100gb+ root partitions with the kernel on that partition. 
Of course I might just have been lucky and the kernel was in the first 
1024 cylinders.

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