[Westwales] Windows 1: Linux 0

Robert Savage bobsavage at ukfsn.org
Sat Sep 29 08:42:10 BST 2007

Steve Caddy wrote:
> As David says, it's possible that windows and linux will handle 
> software RAID differently, and possibly incompatibly. Further, you're 
> shrinking the partitions down to 20G or so, which makes a nonsense of 
> using RAID to generate a logical 500G drive.
> Maybe you need to consider why you are using RAID (and the possible 
> risks involved with that - 2 disc RAID arrays rarely make sense), and 
> why you're splitting the disc up as you describe.
> Steve
Thanks David & Steve,

       Problem Solved

You both made me question why I was doing it that way.  I went down the 
RAID route due to my misunderstanding the information.  Initially when I 
tried just one drive Windows told me there was no HD on the system, so I 
looked in the motherboard handbook for info and it only refers to using 
SATA in RAID arrays so I followed that thinking,  although one drive was 
more than enough for the purpose.  Not helped by the request for a 
driver disk referring to SCSI and RAID by Windows.

I scrapped the RAID array,  connected only one disk, started again and 
gave Windows the driver when asked.  Result...all went in OK, then 
installed Mandriva and now have a  quick and quiet system running nicely.

Thanks to your guidance I have crammed the aging brain cells with a 
little more knowledge.

Many thanks


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