[Wolves] Merry Christmas
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Dec 20 14:20:00 2002
Jono Bacon spoo'd forth:
> --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote:
>> Not as far as I can tell. I am nowhere near filling
>> up the memory on mine,
>> and afaics the new SL-5600 has a faster processor
>> (so? Mine's fine) and more
>> memory (so? Mine's fine) and that's it. Moreover,
>> it'll be five hundred quid
> ?500? where did you read that? The other thing that is
> of small interest is that the new ones have a speaker
> built in, but it is probably a small piece of shit
> like the iPAQ.
I didn't read it, I'm just guessing, based on that's how much 5500s were
when they came out :)
>> and 5500s are now down to 250-300. If you need more
>> storage space, CF cards
>> are dirt cheap (even Jono could afford one!)
> CF rules (and the writers are cheap if you need one -
> get a PQI TravelFlash). I am after an SD card atm. :D
> I also want a wireless CF card. :D
Ebuyer.co.uk has plenty of CF wireless cards for between fifty and a hundred
If God didn't want us to eat meat, then he wouldn't have invented the
hamburger, would he? Logic.
-- Bevier, afe