[Wolves] Pipex ADSL anyone?

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Sep 1 08:49:01 2002

In article <E17lE1L-000Ghd-00@oceanus.uk.clara.net> you wrote:
>> Are they? They're not charging *me* thirty quid a month ;)
> Well, as I'm not an existing cable customer I would have to have a 
> cable phone and possibly a cable television as well, which would bump 
> it up to ?30ish. Its cheaper for existing customers however.

Ah, but then you can think of it as paying twenty-five a month for
broadband net access and for only a fiver a month you get cheaper phone
calls *and* cable telly ;-)

Now get up and take a rip off my magic bong so that we can show
you the meaning of Xmas!
           -- Father Christmas, http://flemcomics.com/341.htm