[Wolves] Pipex ADSL anyone?

Ron Wellsted wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Sep 1 20:34:00 2002

- - - - 8< - - -

> I am not too hot on Linux networking but I did this
> and it was easy. I may be looking at Pipex myself in
> the event of my moving into a flat with my mate. Ron,
> what was the =A320ish p/m ISP you mentioned?

look at http://www.fairadsl.co.uk for a wires only ADSL for =A318.99 per =
which seems to be the best deal around at present also has a =A358 setup =
you must buy the modem/router (=A360 upwards)

(second try at sending this message, blueyonder is throwing a wobbly on e=
out at present, so trying direct delivery)

Ron Wellsted