[Wolves] A2RT Networked Computers

Steve Crozier wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Apr 19 14:38:01 2003

hey cool idea people!

For email i used to use the lightening fast Sylpheed : 

i havn't checked out Dillo for a while, but a quick look at their site 
suggests its lots better, and a possible contender for a lightweight  browser 

windowmanagers....hmm.. over at freegeek one of the guys was playing with the 
latest XFCE4, and i was very impressed, really fast, decent file manager 
tools, looks *very* funky, very easy to configure (which is one of the big 
complaints of first timers ..how do i add to menu?) , so it may be worth a 

graphics wise , Gimp of course, Sodipodi for vector, FLPhoto for digital 
camera/thumbnail generating

One of the core issues is useability and for new users often the first 
response is 'where the f**k is everything?!?' So a easy peesy filemanager is 
a must. As Konqueror is out, what about MC? 

Office tools are always an issue on low spec machines - for an office tool to 
be able to do stuff with word docs i think the only option at the moment is 
open office, but its a bit of a monster.

USB support in the kernel would be nice too. even thought a lot of these 
machines don't have USB it may be good to incorporate it as the cards are 
cheap, and many people will want to use their cameras. 

anyway, cheers dudes and dudettes for all these cool ideas!


btw i installed Cinelerra the video editing app the other night, and amazingly 
enough it works! (well it installed ok i mean ;-) now i've just got to figure 
out how to use it :-0 If anyone has any experience let me know