[Wolves] Quick question

Don Cockman wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Aug 13 12:08:00 2003

Hows about:

make a copy of just the directory structure (under /tmp for example) then 
tarring the copy without the files?

Something like..

cd /tmp
mkdir copy_directory_structure
cd copy_directory_structure
mkdir `cd /directory; find . -type -d -print | xargs`

(where /directory is the top-level directory you need the empty structure 

Then tar /tmp/copy_directory_structure to wherever you want to

Probably won't do all the permissions/users/groups and stuff mind. ;-)



On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Re-LoaD's LUG Mail wrote:

> All,
>     Can I tar up just the directory structure with out the content of the
> directories. ??
> I have a system at work with lots of  directories with sym links  from other
> users home directories (don't ask) the data files are backed up on another
> system the copies on this box are just the working copies. But if the system
> was to fail it would be a real pain the to recreate the directory structure.
> ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Re-
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