[Wolves] MacOSX....*droool*
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Aug 15 01:36:01 2003
--- Matthew Revell <wolveslug@understated.co.uk>
> Ah you lucky lad! I was toying with getting a
> Powerbook or iBook but it wouldn't work with my
> Nokia camera phone :(
It sure is a nice piece of kit. :)
> Have you tried OpenOffice with it yet?
Not yet, but it says you need X to run it. The actual
OOo distirbution comes with X believe it or not. Seems
like an awefull lot of work to get it going -
installing an X distribution. I will just use VNC if I
need to use it. :)
Hows life in London by the way matt? Good to hear from
you. :)
Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Professional Writer / Web Developer / Musician
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