[Wolves] MacOSX....*droool*

Jono Bacon wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Aug 15 10:02:01 2003


> > What is this, the Mac User Group or what? :-)
> We've become a MUG :s

Rats...they are on to me. I must conceal my secret
plan to convert WLUG to MUG by talking about some form
of key binding or configuratio file. Maybe I should
hide my plan and simply mock emacs
instead...yes...plenty to talk about there. ;)

I think we are just becoming an UG as we generally
talk about everything. I think it is now time for us
to discuss outer mongolian rug weaving with badger


Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Professional Writer / Web Developer / Musician

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