[Wolves] kernels modules and unresolved symbols

david nux at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Dec 20 11:39:44 GMT 2003

Greetings All,

In the pursuit of a functioning tv card I decided to
recompile the kernel with the appropriate drivers included.
This is the first time I've recompiled the kernel and I've not got
much of an idea what I'm doing.
I downloaded the cx88 v4l2 .gz file and copied the unmade contents into the /usr/src/linux/2.4.22-10mdk/drivers/video directory and then followed the steps in the rute (beginners guide to linux) for kernel recompiling.
All went well until the end of the make modules_install process when I got an "unresolved symbols in cx8800.o" error message. During the make modules process I saw the lines referring to cx8800.o and other cx.o's going past, seemingly without error.

Is this bypassable with options or is it fatal? 

I saw on the Linux today site that fedora are talking about a release of core 2 with the linux 2.6 kernel in early April. This is the other option. I do have functionality on xp but would rather use it on linux.

My earlier experiments with this card were with the default mandrake kernel. The v4l2 stuff turns up in /lib/modules/2.4.22-10mdkcustom in the video section after "make install". So i cd'd to the v4l2 dir, su'd to root and tried modprobe tuner.o and modprobe cx88.0 and got the same "unresolved symbols" message. All instructions I could find said that modprobe xxx.o would do the trick.
The other thing I noticed was that in the other dir's all the files were .o.gz but in the v4l2 stuff I had added it was all just .o. Is this significant?

many thanks for any help resulting...


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