[Wolves] Games this Wednesday
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Feb 13 05:51:02 2003
Peter Oliver spoo'd forth:
> In the face of our usual overwhelming apathy to actually doing anything
> discussed at a meeting, I'm going to unilaterally decide that there will be
> multiplayer online gaming TOMORROW (Wednesday) evening. Meet on
> #wolveslug on irc.eu.freenode.net. I'll be there from about 7, but feel
> free to get their earlier if you want and get stuck in.
So, we played some games!
We discovered a couple of things: first, that a cablemodem connection
doesn't seem to be able to support 4 simultaneous players on prboom.
Second, that I'm really, really crap at prboom :) Thirdly, that bzflag
is rather a laugh but if you play on public servers you get smashed
into little pieces by people who know what all the keys do...
"Last week, I arrived in Sunnydale. Or perhaps it was the week before,
I don't know."
-- Buffy, as written by Albert Camus
Certic, <1004299876.18870.0.nnrp-12.9e98b74c@news.demon.co.uk>