[Wolves] Fw: Hi and Linux Sys Config
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Feb 17 17:52:01 2003
Robert Smith spoo'd forth:
> 1) Anyone know of a good tutorial or howto on setting up local DNS
> using BIND9
Do you actually *need* full-on DNS service? If you don't need to use a
full-on DNS server, try something that's just a DNS proxy for upstream.
The one that Smoothwall uses serves names out of its /etc/hosts file
and passes everything else upstream to a real DNS server, and that's a
million, million times easier to set up...
> 3) Is it possible to turn off the mass of sh*t that debian spits out
> everytime you login??
What mass? When I log in I don't get much. Look in /etc/motd and
"He's a liar and a sneak and he has uncleanly habits"
-- Belgarath, DLoK