[Wolves] ifconfig trouble...

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Feb 19 18:12:00 2003

fizzy spoo'd forth:
>> Look up how to run a local mirror, which is 
>> basically what you're doing...
> Got any relevant URLS? I've had a google but i'm
> finding anything useful...

Debian's apt-move package turns a big pile of debs into a proper local
mirror. Then just put a file: URL into /etc/apt/sources.list and it
will install packages from there. To get apt working, if it's not
already, find the apt .deb and install it with dpkg -i.


According to your theory, if a woman can have a baby in nine months
then nine women should be able to have a baby in one month.
           -- Dante, Angst Technology