[Wolves] PING Matthew Warwick

Jayne Heger wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 21 11:41:01 2003

> Hi Jane, I looked on the university Exchange email
> server ( exch.wlv.ac.uk/exchange )where you can log in
> remotely (note: if you're using ahem... Windows XP you

Windows XP!!! Never heard of it?

Using SuSE 8.0 I;ve never been able to check my uni mail remotely using a nice 
way, so I always telnet in to the wlv.ac.uk pop3 server

> Also his aozc15@dsl.pipex.com address appears in some
> replies to his postings on the mailing list archives.
> Hope that helps if he doesn't get back to you ;)

Thanks, at the time I was at my boyfriends house so didn't have access to my 
mail archives.
But thanks again!
He did get back to me so that wsn't a problem.


I've finished uni now!!! - for good, wish me luck on my results! and getting a 

Anyone know of any Linux friendly places to work btw! -