[Wolves] How do I install this?

fizzy wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 21 12:26:02 2003

sorry to be rude, but if you "can't be bothered" to
install linux, i can't be bothered to help you.  The
instructions look fairly self explanitory to me
 --- Simon Howes <howesey@blargoc.co.uk> wrote: > 
> Umm, telnet, how do I use it, how do I log into the
> FTP?  How do I tell
> it to do those commands?
> BTW, I'm in Windows 2000 here.  Sorry no LINUX, but
> I can't be bothered
> to install it and find the modem drivers again.
> ---
> Simon Howes (PR Manager)
> www.blargoc.co.uk
> +44 (0) 1912 88 22 85
> +44 (0) 7941 151 946
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