[Wolves] short meet report

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat May 31 23:24:01 2003

Jono Bacon spoo'd forth:
> --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote:
>> These are, I think, the three main reasons why I use
>> Linux. I'm open to 
>> suggestions from others :)
> Python? Apt? I am sure there are more reasons Aq...

Neither of those. I don't have to be using Linux to use Python at all, that 
being the point of a cross-platform language :) Apt is the reason I use Debian 
Linux rather than any other Linux distribution, but it's not a reaosn why I 
use Linux at all.

> I use Linux because of (and yes I know some of these
> are available for other OS's):
> - LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP)
> - Apt
> - Quanta
> - OpenOffice.org
> - Blender
> - Source availability
> - Political and social reasons

Ah, you see, this is my point from above: "some of these are available for 
other OSes" means that those things are not a reason for using Linux. Possibly 
the combination of all software you like isn't available on any other OS, 
which would be a reason. And I put "source availability" under "political and 
social" :-)


from string import *;import re,base64;w=base64.decodestring('YXF1YXJp'+
'dXNAa3J5b2dlbml4Lm9yZw==');u='['+lowercase+']';print re.sub(u,'-',w)
while filter(lambda x: x in u,w): s=raw_input('Letter:');u=filter\
(lambda x: x != s,u);print re.sub(u,'-',w)