[Wolves] folding@home? only if a stanford professor folds my washing
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Mar 28 12:02:00 2003
3/28/2003 2:18:21 AM, "s parkes" <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com> wrote:
>this does not seem to benefit human kind as some that suggested it seems to
>be of most benefit to the venture capital companies that support rheogene.
well spotted sparkes :-)
>It seems that although the project could be more helpful to human kind that
>seti you are all lining the pockets of big fat americans who will soon get
>richer rebuilding countries they demanded their unelected president flatten
>then open up markets in.
woo hoo! while we're on the subject of genetics and war : http://www.ccmep.org/2003_articles/General/011303_monsters_inc_the_pentagon.htm