[Wolves] Bloke vs. Bloke: graphics engines: some initial thoughts
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Mar 29 18:42:00 2003
In article <20030329121046.73167.qmail@web13804.mail.yahoo.com> you wrote:
> --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote:
>> Planning. What a shock. ;)
> Unsurprising - seriously though use Blender's game
> engine - it's quicker, easier, has Python bindings and
> is multiplatform. What more could you want? I don't
> really see a need why *not* to use it.
Where's the docs? I'm blind...
In fact, I've never seen an argument about which I cared less. I'm
completely case insensitivity insensitive.
-- William Tanksley, 23 May 2000