[Wolves] ircd (was: Wireless and Linux)
Simon Burke
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun May 4 16:18:01 2003
> > Well Ron suggested the idea of setting up our own
> > ircd. Would this be feasable on Angel?
> I've never setup an IRCD before, but it's something
> i'd love to do, it's not hard and doesn't eat system
> resources so i can't see why we couldn't. Most IRC
> clients can handle more than one irc network at the
> same time so i don't see why we shouldn't, have to see
> what other people think...
I hate to be the voice of inertia again, but I don't see why we should.
What does it get us, other than maintainace work and another potential
to get owned?
Peter Oliver
I'm Probably the newbie here, but anyway, I disagree. I think that the
maintenance work is why we should. I mean that it is the maintenance
that helps us to develop both the ircd and as linux users. Though I
suppose there is no practical use for us to run an ircd, but its
something to do...