[Wolves] ircd (was: Wireless and Linux)
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 6 02:34:00 2003
--- fizzy <fizzyorguk@yahoo.com> wrote:
> http://liloaid.ecce.co.uk/ - also see 'the serious
> bit' at the bottom. His constant pleading for money
> and paranoid policies on things like not giving
> people
> o lines on there own boxes lead me to award him twat
> status. Freenode seems to have a lot of server
> reboots
> and stuff that I don't get on efnet, and I don't
> much
> like chanserv/nickserv either :)
This is an interesting site. I have met Rob on IRC
before and spoke to him on email, and I was aware of
his fundraising attempts. Personally I don't begrudge
him of this...many Open Source projects plead for
Reading Ben Harwoods write up though has make me
think. The concept of living off donations to keep
your hobby going is indeed a little dodgy in terms of
the moralistic view, but I don't know enough about the
subject to really find a conclusion.
I would'nt call him a twat personally...maybe a ******
(expletive deleted).
Seriously though...I can understand for view but I
don't really see the trouble with it.
Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
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