[Wolves] Aibo
Old Dan
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 6 11:25:03 2003
Aquarius wrote:
> Jono Bacon spoo'd forth:
>>Hi all,
>>This is pretty unrelated to Linux, but here goes.
>>I am looking to buy an Aibo Robot Dog. Sony make them and I am after
>>the ERS-210A. I have been looking on Ebay and other places and havent
>>seen one for a decent price (I am also waiting on some Ebay auctions
>>to come around).
> We've got one at work, because a major company had a Flash game for which the
> highest scorer overall would win an Aibo, and I used my leet Flash disassembling
> techniques (see http://www.kryogenix.org/writings/tech/lame-flash-scores) to
> win the dog ;)
Ahem. To quote your own linked page:
'The first conclusion to be drawn from this is that anyone using this to
win competitions or look good is a bit pathetic, really. This is not
hard; it's the equivalent of trying all the car doors on a street. Find
something more constructive to do than 0wning high-score tables, you
know it makes sense.'
Just quotin'. ;)