[Wolves] Lug membership (was Wolves] ircd (was: Wireless and Linux))
Matthew Revell
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 6 12:54:00 2003
What makes someone a Lug member and how does a member contribute to the
Lug's resources? Oh, and what existing resources are there?
On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 12:46, Jono Bacon wrote:
> --- s parkes <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > another one of those 'me too' posts we all hate so
> > much. Peter's assersion
> > that it would be one more thing to worry about it
> > spot on.
> I disagree. It would only be work for the person who
> decides to maintain it. If fizzy for example wants to
> run one, then so be it...as a LUG member he should be
> able to use the LUG resources for that - but he would
> need to be the one responsible for maintaining it. No
> other LUG member would be required to maintain it in
> anyway.
> Jono
> =====
> Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
> KDE Developer - Freelancer - Musician
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