[Wolves] List

Aquarius wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue May 13 02:22:01 2003

 Wolves LUG Meeting - 15th May 2003 - 7.30pm
 Moon Under Water, Lichfield Street, Wolves
 1. Jono
 2. Simon
 3. Matthew R
 4. Alex G
 5. Aq. (because it's at my house ;))
 No Go's:
 1.sparkes (football - might become late go depending
 on alcolhol consumtion)
 2. fizz - As above, i'm watching the match so i'm not
 sure what's happening, i will colude with sparkes and
 see :)
 3. Adam. As I said to Jono on irc on Friday, all my
 assignments are in this week and it's panic stations.
 Plus as an avid Wolves fan it will be unrealistic for
 me to contemplate missing the game. For an
 understanding of my liking of the repeated use of the
 phrase 'fatball', search the mail archives and read
 Sparkes response to the use of 'Wollyhampton'.

from string import *;import re,base64;w=base64.decodestring('YXF1YXJp'+
'dXNAa3J5b2dlbml4Lm9yZw==');u='['+lowercase+']';print re.sub(u,'-',w)
while filter(lambda x: x in u,w): s=raw_input('Letter:');u=filter\
(lambda x: x != s,u);print re.sub(u,'-',w)