[Wolves] Promoting Linux

Si Griffiths wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 14 11:42:00 2003

On Wednesday 14 May 2003 8:07 am, Matthew Revell wrote:

> > very much the sort of thing we'd like to do in the future me thinks &
> > like someone was saying (was it Jono? or Matt?) once all them kids ge=
> > bitten & start developing stuff for linux then the whole thing'll be
> > raised to another level
> I seem to have missed some of this thread.

I'm not sure - when I was talkin about 'we' I was refering to we at A2RT=20
http://www.a2rt.org - dunno if we've intoduced ourselves to you, I was at=
last meeting but was in more of a lurker kinda mood - anyway we're settin=
g up=20
an org that recycles old computers, that'd otherwise be chucked away, and=
repurposes them with linux for community usage - at the moment we're in t=
initial stages of getting the thing off the ground but in the future the =
of sorting out some innercity school with a media lab/network of linux bo=
sounds top dollar