[Wolves] IMPORTANT: Change of venue to Aqs house this week for the meet?
Jono Bacon
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 14 12:15:01 2003
--- alexgay@blueyonder.co.uk wrote:
> Thats the one. It's one way off of Broad Street.
> There is a car park, but as sparks said, you might
> have problems hanging around.
> See people later,
Right...well I will drive down Thornley street at 7.15
- could people make sure they are there by then who
want to come with me and then you can just jump in.
I am sure we can all meet up eventually in the area.
If anyone has trouble just head over to Stourbridge
anyway...Aq house is just off the Ring Road. I think
it is best if all drivers get Aq's address from him.
If anyone has any problems...let me know, and I will
see people at Thornley street at 7.15.
> Alex G
> "When did Ignorance become a point of view?"
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Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
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