[Wolves] postfix config help
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 21 10:47:01 2003
20/05/2003 19:39:24, Ron Wellsted <ron@wellsted.org.uk> wrote:
>Do you have a "mydestination = " line in your main.cf?
>This tells postfix the domain names to accept mail for and deliver locally.
>mydestination = a2rt.org, foeserver.locadomain, localhost
thanks. Its for friends of the earth, who have 3 accounts set up , all varieties of @dial.pipex.com so
i'll put dial.pipex.com in the mydestination line.
That would also explain why when sending local mail, i.e mail root@localhost but this gets queued, as i
don't think localhost is set in mydestination.
ta.v.much ,i'll let you know if that works.