[Wolves] eth keep alive

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Tue Oct 14 09:47:38 BST 2003

Lee Jordan spoo'd forth:
> Question for Ron:
> Is there anyway of keeping alive a LAN connection? I think for secuirty both 
> my NIC's in 2 end machines keep dropping offline, ie I type ifconfig and 
> only see the loopback, same thing happens with a windows box downstairs, 
> smoothwall doesn't drop the green interface as I can DCHP all day, seems 
> like an issue with the end machines connected from the hub.

ping serveronmylan

Aq :-)

Once saw someone misspell thesaurus as theosaurus, and someone asked if
a theosaurus was a giant omnipotent dinosaur.
           -- alt.fan.eddings

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