[Wolves] reply

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Tue Oct 14 15:26:43 BST 2003

Old Dan spoo'd forth:
> I just had to delete Aq's email addy from this post.  However, I tried 
> hitting reply to Ad's post and it didn't happen.  Actually, it only 
> seems to happen with Aq & Jono's posts.

Ah. Might be because I have an explicit Reply-To set which is different
from the Sender address. I suspect Jono may have too. The problem may
be the lameness of your email client ;)


2. Make it halfway normal. I don't have any use for
laser-beam-shooting pocket combs, or non-existent existents existing
within their own existences, or ballpoint pens made out of lettuce.
	   -- CardinalT dictates rules for the raif Silly Game

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