[Wolves] reply

Chris Owen Chris.Owen at wmro.org
Wed Oct 15 09:12:45 BST 2003

The only thing I can add to this is that it's happened on the Wolves
board as well.  I've replied to a message, and ended up sending a
message to just one of the list members.  Suggests it's not a Wolves
specific problem, but concerns the generic settings nationally.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Wellsted [mailto:ron at wellsted.org.uk] 
Sent: 14 October 2003 18:16
To: Wolverhampton Linux User Group
Subject: Re: [Wolves] reply

OK, that little burst of diagnostics proves what I suspected.  Mailman
at the 
lug.org.uk server is appending "Wolverhampton Linux User Group 
<wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk>" to the Repy-To: field instead of replacing
Jono, have some settings been changed recently or have lug.org.uk
updated mailman?

Hmmm. just checked my mailman 2.1.1 and I can't see an option to do
Other than posting to the list with Reply-To left empty (this is a M$
workaround) any suggestions?

Ron Wellsted
ron at wellsted.org.uk
N 52.567623, W 2.137621

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