[Wolves] Re: Red Hat 9 at last

Old Dan dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org
Wed Oct 22 14:41:29 BST 2003

s parkes wrote:
>> From: Old Dan <dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org>
>> s parkes wrote:
>>> something that yesterdays goat sex thread didn't disclose?
>>> lol
>>> come alone and find out for yourself, that goes for everyone who doesn't
>>        ^^^^^
>>> attend meetings more than once in a blue moon out there.
>> What, are you saying that people can't bring their friends with them?  ;)
> I've noticed that many do bring friends with them but as with any large 
> geek fests at large proportion do come alone ;-)
'tis true.

> I use a smelling chequer but i have one that don't do that there
> grammer  thing.
Spelling, at least proper English spelling, seems a bit beyond it too... :P

Grammar/Spelling kop.  :)

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