[Wolves] rimming Peter Oliver.
Chris Procter
wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Sep 18 11:30:01 2003
I manned the SBLug stand at the linux expo at the NEC and met several people
who were lurkers on the lug lists, the main reason seemed to be that people
weren't sure what they were letting themselves in for by going to meet,
fearing a bunch of weirdy-beardie hackers with no social skills who spend an
evening drinking real ale, talking about the esoteric aspects of kernel
hacking in monotone voices and telling newbies to RTFM in their most
patronising tone.
Ok thats an exageration, but it is quite daunting to go to a meeting for the
first time with people you don't know, about a subject you know relativly
little about in a location you've never been to, after spending a hard day
at work. Once you've met some of the people involved, or have been to a
meeting or whatever its a lot less intimidating but getting over that
initial hurdle is the problem.
Just my assessment.
chris (no not Owen, the other one)
-----Original Message-----
From: Aquarius [mailto:aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org]
Sent: 18 September 2003 10:26
To: wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Wolves] rimming Peter Oliver.
fizzy spoo'd forth:
> There is a vaguely serious point tho, there are about
> 70 people on this list, and aprox 20 people turn out
> to meetings, why is this? I can understand a few
> people being on list and not turning up, but it's more
> than a 3-1 ratio, that's just silly!
Dunno, chief. Those of you on the list who haven't come to meetings,
why not? Some people do pipe up and say they won't be able to make it
(Helen Randle, for example) but we must have quite a few lurkers -- do
you fancy coming along? The meetings are dead good, even if you do feel
on the edge of illness for all of the following morning after Jono's
Big Birthday Curry...
In 1988 there was the war, and after that there were no more roses. Not
for anybody.
-- "V For Vendetta", Alan Moore
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