[Wolves] Rebuilding MySQL user database

Old Dan dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org
Fri Apr 2 09:48:18 BST 2004

> Old Dan wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Does anyone know how to rebuild the MySQL users database, specifically
>> so root gets it's proper rights back?  I've been trying to install
>> So is there any way of getting it back, or am I going to have to purge?
> You restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables option .
> This will let you in as user root with no password and then you just do a
> :-
> update mysql.user set Password=PASSWORD(iwilltrytorememberthistime')
> where User = 'root';

Er no.  I knew the root password - it is just that root was no longer able
to create or drop databases.  Although the --skip-grant-tables may have
done the trick....

It's a moot point now as I have already purged and started again, losing
the database which already existed.  :/

Thanks anyway.

PS You missed an apostrophe.  ;)

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