[Wolves] Same time dual boot

Simon Burke its_simon_burke at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 23 08:39:42 BST 2004

Colinux, (colinux.org) does this, it allows you to boot it from within a 
term window on your windows deskop. The only problem at the momment is that 
it does not support X at the momment but there are work rounds, (usually 
creating a remote desktop loally using vnc or cygwin) and i think they 
intend to fix that sometime.



Question for you all.

I am in Windows now as I am working on my book and I
need to use Word (no, OpenOffice fails to work).

I have Linux on another disk in the machine and I dual
boot it. Is there a way to load my Linux installation
from the other disk into some kind of virtual machine
in Windows?

Maybe VMWare does this.



Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
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