[Wolves] List Stats

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Mon Aug 23 09:16:02 BST 2004

sean.spencer at nowrecruitment.com wrote:

>I am out of the office until Tuesday 31st August 2004.
I fucking hate out of office messages and ones to mailing lists are even 
worse.  I have emailed jamie arnold to see if he can stop the buggers.

Anyone who sets out of office messages for mailing lists should be 
immediatly banned from participating in the list.

To make things worse I don't remember this address/name ever 
participating in the list so he's just subscribed for recruitment 
purposes, arsehole.


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    ______      __(_)____/ /_ 
   / ___/ | /| / / / ___/ __ \
  (__  )| |/ |/ / (__  ) / / /
 /____/ |__/|__/_/____/_/ /_/
t:07005 968 999 f:07005 968 888

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