[Wolves] Mac or PC Laptop?

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Sat Dec 11 16:05:43 GMT 2004

Lee Parkes wrote:
> Hey folks :)
> The company I work for has a deal with PC World where by we can buy a new 
> computer and save the VAT. I was thinking of buying a Mac G4 Powerbook 12inch
> with the Superdrive. What I'd like to know is is there any other laptop that
> folks here would recommend with a similar spec to the Mac:
> Small
> Powerful
> Built in WiFi
> At least CD writer, perferably DVD writer (must be built in, no external 
> devices)
> Long battery life (>3 hours)
> Reliable
> Tough
> The budget will depend on what the spec somes up as, but the Mac is 1300 quid
> (not Pesos, rupees, or buttons :)

If I had 1300 quid for a laptop I'd buy a Dell Latitude X300.

That's pure personal choice, though, because they're so cool and light. 
The Apple's a good choice, although beware that Airport Express isn't 
supported under LInux yet afaik.


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