[Wolves] Success!!

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Tue Dec 14 22:23:01 GMT 2004

Mo Awkati wrote:
> Hi Folk
> I have managed to get that modem to work! :-)
> I have learnt a big lesson from this experience. The
> problem was someone had previously disabled the two
> COM ports in the BIOS!!! Once I sorted the IRQ and
> address YAST detected the modem. 


Problem-solving is savage joy, and we are born to it, as Thomas Harris 
has mentioned in the Lecter books. Sit back, grab a cup of tea, and feel 
deeply satisfied with yourself, that man.

Once you've done that you might want to muse on what possessed anyone to 
disable serial ports in the BIOS, since I can't think of a reason. But 
that's for another day.


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