[Wolves] Sun Java Desktop (going off topic in a mad Rant!)
ag004a3887 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Feb 1 00:22:54 GMT 2004
Hi Matt,
I'v seen the latest mag in 'Smiths but havn't tried anything myself.
With all of the bravado surounding Open Source software at the moment I
would like to offer the OSS ( Open Source Software) supportors opinion from
within an MS dominted shop. There may be talk within the NHS (in which I
work, for those who don;t know) of moving to OS software, but at the moment
it is just that, talk. No one suspects that it will be taken up because of
the difference between the consuit of effortmers (joe user) and the Open
source programers opinion. I.E. No Effort versus A bit of effort. I would
love to be able to use C++ and Python at work. I could learn everything I
need to on the job then. However, my boss graduated on X-Base, Clipper, and
DOS. This has shaped his outlook on the computing world and anything that
strays too far from this is viewed with suspicion (Yes, DBF files underpin
the NHS, scared yet?)
My Bosses boss has made a joke about Granger going for Sun Java desktop, and
that has been it! I wish they would go with it, as I would know more about
it than anyone in my department ( I might get a raise :-) or a job for other
Linux officianados (that's you lot...) However, and I hate to piss on my
and anyone elses , parade, it is widley suspected that the NHS and Granger
is winding up a barganing chip for use later. (If I was Bill Gates I'd say
"Go on then, go Open Source." and watch the money roll in from trusts that
didn't have the bottle to change, like SWBH!). At their current level of
expertise the NHS would fall flat on their face!
4One of the main criticisms I hear is that MySQL doesn't support views! I'm
the only person in my dep4artment who uses views properly anyway! Everone
else seems to think of them as "on the fly stored procedures", and then
wounders why they are too slow! f*&$%@ts!!!
You want users to use Linux? We are haveing problems convincing some to
use Windows!
I despaire at times, but know that Linux has better network support than
Windows. However all of our MSCE's are going to have to learn real fast
about computers to keep their jobs.
Alex Gay
NHS Databese Progammer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Revell" wolveslug at understated.co.uk
To: <wolves at vmailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 1:10 PM
Subject: [Wolves] Sun Java Desktop
> Just booted the Sun Java Desktop CD, that's on the front of the current
> Linux User and Developer mag. It boots straight from CD.
> Looks really good. The launch menu is great, with excellent labelling.
> SunOffice is included and didn't take too long to load :) The look and
> feel is very pollished but maybe a little too purple.
> Unsurprisingly - considering its target market - it has no support for
> dialup.
> On first looks, I reckon it's a good replacement for Windows, in many
> corporate situations. It has everything that most people need but none of
> the confusing terminology of many Linux distros. I should think any normal
> work PC user could sit down at it and do their work.
> I wonder if it has anything to do with Morphix, tho'. When I tried to
> change the screen res, it said that it would only apply to the current
> user, which was Morphix.
> Anyone else given it a spin?
> --
> Matthew Revell
> www.understated.co.uk
> www.contentpeople.co.uk
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