[Wolves] knoppix/debian 7441

fizzy fizzyorguk at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 5 09:52:13 GMT 2004

 --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org> wrote: >
fizzy spoo'd forth:
> > Anyone know why port 7441 is open on my knoppix
> come
> > debian box and how to get rid of it? Also, bootpc
> ?
> Because j00 r 0wn3d!
> HahahAHAHahAHAhAhHAhAHAhAhahahHAhAhAHAHaaaAaaa!

If only that was the case, I could deal with that. 
Sadly as it's unlikely as it's a) behind a heavy ass
firewall b) it's very rarely been on the network
(twice) and c) it's running no other services and
never has been I doubt it :( Now, are you going to be
helpful? :)


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