[Wolves] Console source formatting. (Ping: Aq.)

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Fri Feb 13 12:54:01 GMT 2004

Old Dan spoo'd forth:
>> Just couldn't get to grips with it. I don't know why. It seems to
>> theoretically be configurable enough to do what I want, but it's
>> falling foul of the Emacs flaw: I can't understand it to configure
>> it...
> How so?  What exactly do you need it to do?

Current list (from http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2003/07/04/predator):

    * Runs on Linux
    * Runs in a console/xterm
    * Has an X version (although I can live with 'xterm -e fooedit
$FILENAME' if I must)
    * Syntax highlighting (including Python, HTML, and email, and
ideally easily configurable)
    * Allows rebinding of keys easily (i.e., I should be able to map
^Q to quit by putting "^" followed by "Q" into my config file, not by
having to work out which combination of weird octal keycodes my
terminal sends when I hit ^Q)
    * Is not modeful (vim in insertmode does not qualify)
    * Is completely scriptable in Python, or, failing that:
    * Allows me to pass either the whole file or a highlighted area
through an external command, and allows me to bind a key to do this
with named commands directly (so I can hit one bound key and have the
whole file passed to an external command I specifed in my config file,
not have to enter the command every time)
    * Comes with a sane set of default keybindings (including
highlighting text with shift-arrows) so I don't have to rebind the
    * Is not Emacs

I'm prepared to compromise on some of them if I have to, but you have
to justify why I should :)


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