[Wolves] CSS layout question

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Fri Feb 20 02:06:51 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
> Can anyone think of a reason for this? Below is the stylesheet that 
> handles it.
> .secondarystorywrapper
> {
>    float: left;
>    margin-bottom: 10px;

Here's your problem. Add
     width: 520px;
or similar here. I haven't had time to work out what the exact width
for this should be. Without a width specified, Konqueror seems to
make these divs just over the width of one story, which is why your
stories don't work. If you explicitly specify a width in here (and
since the design is fixed-width and pixel-specified, it should be
pretty easy to calculate this width) then it works in Konqueror.

I can't remember where I put Opera, so it'll still need testing in

For future reference, you might be thinking, blimey, how did he
work that out? Well, I did it by the venerable "put a 1px blue border
on stuff" approach; work through your stylesheet and stick a 1px
border on a thing, and then view it in Moz and Konqueror until you
find something that's different. When that happens, you know you've
found the target area...


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