[Wolves] Editors

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Mon Jan 19 15:13:44 GMT 2004

Peter Oliver spoo'd forth:
> ange-ftp and tramp allow you to transparently edit files on remote hosts 
> using ftp, rsh, ssh, etc.

Not sure I'd need that particularly, but it's a nice thing :)
> generic-x gives you syntax highlighting (or "font-lock", as emacs calls 
> it) on all manner of files, such as /etc/passwd, .ini files, etc.

That might be useful. Will look it up.
> use ediff and emerge when you're comparing and merging several versions 
> of a file.  It colours in the differences, making it easy to see what's 
> going on.

I don't do that, really. I should start, though :)
> What you really want to do is only ever start it once: 
> http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?GnuClient

I agree. See other mail about how I want one window per thing edited;
if that will be compatible with gnuserv then I'm all up for it...


"He's a liar and a sneak and he has uncleanly habits"
	   -- Belgarath, DLoK

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