[Wolves] Environmental impact of websites

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Tue Jan 20 14:47:49 GMT 2004

Chris Procter wrote:
> Power not just for the viewing PC but for the server and all the routers,
> switches and telecoms infrastructure in between, plus the costs of
> transporting coal etc to powewr stations and of disposing of nuclear waste.
> For paper you have not just the CO2 that the trees can no longer absorb but
> also the diesel used to transport the wood, the chemicals used to turn the
> wood into paper (which are pretty noxious iirc) and then the transport of
> the book to the bookshop and home. Some of which can be offset as most wood
> for paper comes from managed forests which replant trees.

Bring back parchment and quills. Down with computers. Free beer for all.


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