[Wolves] MS web dev

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Thu Jan 29 10:52:26 GMT 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 10:31, Simon Burke wrote:
> I have ideas but i cant do them cuz of his restrictions.
author the site using CSS2 and XHTML and test in ie and mozilla. 
although ie is not perfect it will render most well authored pages with
only minimal screwups.

www.westmids.biz as an example ;-) this site looks perfect (IMHO) in
mozilla and renders ok in ie.  The only real problem is the page title
h1 tag and that would probably work with a little more play.  Note that
this version of the site uses pixels for measurements cos I wanted to
show off a little with the design and have a centred div in all current
browsers, you are best using % for measurements.

don't stress ie can handle most things but you need to test on both ie
and mozilla cos ie is a little lax sometimes and sites then don't work
on /working/ browsers.

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  \_/\_/ \___||___/\__|_| |_| |_|_|\__,_|___(_)_.__/|_/___|
   <Software and Web Development http://www.westmids.biz/>

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