[Wolves] Desktop Linux distro.

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Mon Jul 5 22:24:38 BST 2004

Chris wrote:
> On Monday 05 Jul 2004 19:51, bambam at opendildonics.org spurted:
>>What distro is best on the desktop? I'm basically after
>>something that will outstrip debian for not having to deal
>>with so many details
> if you can't live with out the wonders of apt then i really would suggest 
> Morphix, which i found to be absolutly brilliant, probably the easiest of all 
> the distro's for me to get working

Or Knoppix.

> umm... AFAIK all the distros come with what you want, with the exception of 
> Firefox, which i believe you will still have to download. 

It's in Debian; since anyone who uses Knoppix should then apt-get 
upgrade it to Debian unstable, you will have firefox (package: 

> Aq told me to give it a try and i was amazed... so i think (that maybe 
> although i could be wrong) he might suggest it to you aswell.. 
> btw... apparantly knoppix's hardware support isn't that grand... but i haven't 
> tried it so i can't comment

Seemed fine to *me* -- Knoppix, upgraded to Debian unstable, is what I'm 


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