[Wolves] Desktop Linux distro.

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Jul 6 11:36:00 BST 2004

On Tuesday 06 Jul 2004 11:20, TriG wrote:

> I use Xandros, I love it.. Yeah you pay for the fancy APT-Get GUI (known
> as Xandros Networks) but under the lid, it is debian, but debian made
> easy... The only main thing I have noticed is that the kernel is weird,
> its a unique version that xandros have patched, which in time stops me
> from upgrading KDE to 3.2 without messing up my system.. However they do
> have a wicked community forum at http://forums.xandros.com
> I have free crossover because my company resell codeweavers.. Bonus :D

Aw white my son? 
Can I interest you in some lovely knitted cd covers for yor free Crossover 



Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

"There is every excuse for not knowing!"
"But there is no excuse for not asking!"

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