[Wolves] Open Source successes at work

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Wed Jul 21 16:21:12 BST 2004

> As of the Autumn term we will be giving away copies of
> OpenOffice.org to any student that wants an Office
> Suite.

What about giving away copies fo the Open CD ? This includes firefox and 
other things too.....

> Remember me mentioning Moodle, an Open Source Virtual
> Learning Environment? Well I set it up and after a
> weeks trial, we've ditched the proprietary solution we
> were trialling for 18 months. It saved us several
> grand in the process and is significantly better.

I'm glad to hear that :) I've heard good news from other people about it.

> I am also struggling with a Linux firewall, MNF, IPCop
> and Smoothwall. Alas I can't get any data out onto the
> net as yet, but I'm working on it and I may come back
> for advice later on.

We use ipcop at work .. it seems to do everything we want.
(and more)

> Also my attempt at
> demoing Squirrelmail as a replacement for our ageing,
> cranky, proprietary webmail system fell flat when I
> couldn't manage to log in.

Did you install Squirrelmail manually? Did you run the configure script 
and tell it how you wished to authenticate? I suspect perhaps it didn't 
know what imap server to authenticate with.

Going back to IE.. I have been rather sneaky (as firefox looks similar 
to IE) in removing the icon for IE from the desktop, creating a shortcut 
to firefox, and giving it the IE symbol. Claire's not complained yet 
anyway, and she's noticed everything else I've changed/broken.



David Goodwin
Open Minds High Availability Solutions
T: +44 (0) 121 313 3947
E: david.goodwin at openminds.co.uk

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