[Wolves] /etc/resolv.conf

bambam at opendildonics.org bambam at opendildonics.org
Wed Jun 2 17:53:59 BST 2004

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Stuart Langridge wrote:

> Matthew Revell wrote:
> > Anyone got any tips for what should be in my /etc/resolv.conf file? my
> > domain resolutions are horrifically slow at the moment.
> >
> > Here's what it's got:
> >
> > nameserver
> > nameserver
> Right., by virtue of being in the 192.168.* subnet, is an
> internal address on your network. Is it a DNS server? Your Smoothwall
> box should be a DNS server, so that should point at your smoothwall box :)

Smoothie runs an internal dns for you?!? blah!

> The other one,, is a DNS server.
> In Taiwan.
> Imagine my surprise that it is slow :)

heh :-)

> Since (iirc) you're a Blueyonder person, try adding
> "nameserver" instead, which is a BY DNS server. (If I'm
> wrong, use your ISP's DNS server. Don't use one in Taiwan :) )

Except... don't do that, and
were recently shut down (broke all the chroot installs where
i had failed to manually hardlink in the chroot's
resolv.conf, messed me around loads, etc) use the new BY
ones. Don't know what they are, but if you're on BY, just
get your external interface to dhcpcd or pump for an ip,
allowing the returning dhcp response to set your dns, then
use the address you are given across all your clients (the
machine you were talking about).

> > I've tried commenting out each in turn, but it seems to make no
> > difference. Is it perhaps something to do with my /etc/hosts file? That
> > currently looks like:
> >
> >    Lyne localhost
> >     loopback
> This should all be fine.

Agreed, if a little non-standard.

> > # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
> > # (added automatically by netbase upgrade)
> >
> > ::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
> > fe00::0 ip6-localnet
> > ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
> > ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
> > ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
> > ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
> > As an aside, do I need all that ipv6 stuff in there?
> Depends. If you're sure enough of IPv6 that you know you *don't* need
> it, then take it out :) I trust the Debian netbase maintainer more than
> I trust myself to know about this stuff, so I leave it in :)

ipv6 does a load of stuff, this is just defining certain
usual constants. Except, since you're not using ipv6,
probably don't have it in your kernel, haven't assigned an
address to your interface, aren't using it at all on your
LAN and it doesn't do any harm, then you can leave these
lines in quite safely.

Hope that helps.

See you all one day soon I hope!


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