why are you here? was Re: [Wolves] Next Infopoint - volunteers?

Simon Burke simonb at geek-web.co.uk
Mon Jun 7 14:48:12 BST 2004


Andy Hill said:

> No your all correct. Your not interested in anything that is beyond 
> your level of knowledge. I will now unsubscribe.
> By the way are you a Student? because that level of mentality.

That's really, genuinely a shame. I wonder what made him so bitter. I can't
see anything that we did to annoy him, perhaps other than to suggest that
his Nigerian friend was made up.

Still, you come across odd sorts in all areas of life, so I'm not entirely
surprised they turn up on this list.


IMO there seems to be a lot of bickering in the lug at the momment, and im
not entirly sure why. I don't want to start up the arguments about inner
circles and eliteism, but its just getting old now, im not saying that im
perfect or that im not invloved, im just saying that this is getting old.

I joined the lug as I wanted find other people who share interests in linux
etc, and everyone I know here seems to be nice people, but there are
instances where I wonder if it were better if I was to just unsubscribe and
turn up on meets instead.


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